Quelle: https://www.rzim.org/read/rzim-updates/ravi-zacharias-obituary
March 26, 1946 – May 19, 2020
Hinweis vom 12.02.2021
Leider haben die an Heiligabend angekündigten finalen Untersuchungsergebnisse der von RZMI beauftragten Kanzlei (Miller & Martin PLLC) die bisherigen Befürchtungen bestätigt. Eine einzige Katastrophe für alle Betroffenen, die Familie, das Werk RZMI und der Ehre Gottes:
It is with shattered hearts that we issue this statement about the allegations against RZIM’s Founder, Ravi Zacharias. (…)
We are shocked and grieved by Ravi’s actions. As Ravi Zacharias was the founder of our ministry and the leader of our staff, community, and team, we also feel a deep need for corporate repentance.
Das (gemeinschaftliche Buße) ist ein Aufruf an uns alle, der ganzen evangelikalen Community.
- https://www.rzim.org/read/rzim-updates/board-statement
- https://s3-us-west-2.amazonaws.com/rzimmedia.rzim.org/assets/downloads/Report-of-Investigation.pdf
- https://www.idea.de/spektrum/nach-missbrauchvorswuerfen-zacharias-institut-benennt-sich-um
- https://www.christianitytoday.com/news/2021/february/ravi-zacharias-rzim-investigation-sexual-abuse-sexting-rape.html
Hinweis vom 24.12.2020
- Gestern hat das RZIM folgendes erschütterndes statement bzgl. des sexuellen Fehlverhaltens von Ravi Zacharias in einem Zwischenbericht eröffentlicht:
- hier der Text des beauftragten Kanzlei zur Untersuchung der Affäre:
Wir passen diesen Artikel an, sobald der Endbericht vorliegt.
Helping the thinker believe and the believer think
When Ravi Zacharias was a cricket-loving boy on the streets of India, his mother called him in to meet the local sari-seller-turned-palm reader. “Looking at your future, Ravi Baba, you will not travel far or very much in your life,” he declared. “That’s what the lines on your hand tell me. There is no future for you abroad.”
By the time a 37-year-old Zacharias preached, at the invitation of Billy Graham, to the inaugural International Conference for Itinerant Evangelists in Amsterdam in 1983, he was on his way to becoming one of the foremost defenders of Christianity’s intellectual credibility. A year later, he founded Ravi Zacharias International Ministries (RZIM), with the mission of “helping the thinker believe and the believer think.”
It was the culmination of a remarkable transformation set in motion when Zacharias, recovering in a Delhi hospital from a suicide attempt at age 17, was read the words of Jesus recorded in the Bible by the apostle John: “Because I live, you will also live.” In response, Zacharias surrendered his life to Christ and offered up a prayer that if he emerged from the hospital, he would leave no stone unturned in his pursuit of truth. Once Zacharias found the truth of the gospel, his passion for sharing it burned bright until the very end. Even as he returned home from the hospital in Texas, where he had been undergoing chemotherapy, Zacharias was sharing the hope of Jesus to the three nurses who tucked him into his transport.
Frederick Antony Ravi Kumar Zacharias was born in Madras, now Chennai, in 1946, in the shadow of the resting place of the apostle Thomas, known to the world as the “Doubter” but to Zacharias as the “Great Questioner.” Zacharias’s affinity with Thomas meant he was always more interested in the questioner than the question itself. His mother, Isabella, was a teacher. His father, Oscar, who was studying labor relations at the University of Nottingham in England when Zacharias was born, rose through the ranks of the Indian civil service throughout Zacharias’s adolescence.
An unremarkable student, Zacharias was more interested in cricket than books, until his encounter with the gospel in that hospital bed. Nevertheless, a bold, radical faith ran in his genes. In the Indian state of Kerala, his paternal great-grandfather and grandfather produced the 20th century’s first Malayalam-English dictionary. This dictionary served as the cornerstone of the first Malayalam translation of the Bible. Further back, Zacharias’s great-great-great-grandmother shocked her Nambudiri family, the highest caste of the Hindu priesthood, by converting to Christianity. With conversion came a new surname, Zacharias, and a new path that started her descendants on a road to the Christian faith.
Zacharias saw the Lord’s hand at work in his family’s tapestry and he infused RZIM with the same transgenerational and transcultural heart for the gospel. He created a ministry that transcended his personality, where every speaker, whatever their background, presented the truth in the context of the contemporary. Zacharias believed if you achieved that, your message would always be necessary. Thirty-six years since its establishment, the ministry still bears the name chosen for Zacharias’s ancestor. However, where once there was a single speaker, now there are nearly 100 gifted speakers who on any given night can be found sharing the gospel at events across the globe; where once it was run from Zacharias’s home, now the ministry has a presence in 15 countries on five continents.
Zacharias and his new bride, Margie, moved to Deerfield, Illinois, to study for a Master of Divinity at Trinity Evangelical Divinity School. Here the young couple lived two doors down from Zacharias’s classmate and friend William Lane Craig. After graduating, Zacharias taught at the Alliance Theological Seminary in New York and continued to travel the country preaching on weekends. Full-time teaching combined with his extensive travel and itinerant preaching led Zacharias to describe these three years as the toughest in his 48-year marriage to Margie. He felt his job at the seminary was changing him and his preaching far more than he was changing lives with the hope of the gospel.
It was at that point that Graham invited Zacharias to speak at his inaugural International Conference for Itinerant Evangelists in Amsterdam in 1983. Zacharias didn’t realize Graham even knew who he was, let alone knew about his preaching. In front of 3,800 evangelists from 133 countries, Zacharias opened with the line, “My message is a very difficult one….” He went on to tell them that religions, 20th-century cultures and philosophies had formed “vast chasms between the message of Christ and the mind of man.” Even more difficult was his message, which received a mid-talk ovation, about his fear that, “in certain strands of evangelicalism, we sometimes think it is necessary to so humiliate someone of a different worldview that we think unless we destroy everything he holds valuable, we cannot preach to him the gospel of Christ…what I am saying is this, when you are trying to reach someone, please be sensitive to what he holds valuable.”
As the ministry grew so did the demands on Zacharias. In 1990, he followed in his father’s footsteps to England. He took a sabbatical at Ridley Hall in Cambridge. It was a time surrounded by family, and where he wrote the first of his 28 books, A Shattered Visage: The Real Face of Atheism. It was no coincidence that throughout the rhythm of his itinerant life, it was among his family and Margie, in particular, that his writing was at its most productive. Margie inspired each of Zacharias’s books. With her eagle eye and keen mind, she read the first draft of every manuscript, from The Logic of God, which was this year awarded the Evangelical Christian Publishers Association (ECPA) Christian Book Award in the category of Bible study, and his latest work, Seeing Jesus from the East, co-authored with colleague Abdu Murray. Others among that list include the ECPA Gold Medallion Book Award winner, Can Man Live Without God?, and Christian bestsellers, Jesus Among Other Gods and The Grand Weaver. Zacharias’s books have sold hundreds of thousands of copies worldwide and have been translated into over a dozen languages.
Zacharias’s appearance at the U.N. in 2004 was the second of four that he made in the 21st century and represented his increasing impact in the arena of global leadership. He had first made his mark as the Cold War was coming to an end. His internationalist outlook and ease among his fellow man, whether Soviet military leader or precocious Ivy League undergraduate, opened doors that had been closed for many years. One such military leader was General Yuri Kirshin, who in 1992 paved the way for Zacharias to speak at the Lenin Military Academy in Moscow. Zacharias saw the cost of enforced atheism in the Soviet Union; the abandonment of religion had created the illusion of power and the reality of self-destruction.
In 1992, Zacharias’s apologetics ministry expanded from the political arena to academia with the launching of the first ever Veritas Forum, hosted on the campus of Harvard University. Zacharias was asked to be the keynote speaker at the inaugural event. The lectures Zacharias delivered that weekend would form the basis of the best-selling book, Can Man Live Without God?, and would open up opportunities to speak at university campuses across the world. The invitations that followed exposed Zacharias to the intense longing of young people for meaning and identity. Twenty-eight years after that first Veritas Forum event, in what would prove to be his last speaking engagement, Zacharias spoke to a crowd of over 7,000 at the University of Miami’s Watsco Center on the subject of “Does God Exist?”
It is a question also asked behind the walls of Louisiana State Penitentiary, also known as Angola Prison, the largest maximum-security prison in the United States. Zacharias had prayed with prisoners of war all those years ago in Vietnam but walking through Death Row left an even deeper impression. Zacharias believed the gospel shined with grace and power, especially in the darkest places, and praying with those on Death Row “makes it impossible to block the tears.” It was his third visit to Angola and, such is his deep connection, the inmates have made Zacharias the coffin in which he will be buried. As he writes in Seeing Jesus from the East, “These prisoners know that this world is not their home and that no coffin could ever be their final destination. Jesus assured us of that.”
In November last year, a few months after his last visit to Angola, Zacharias stepped down as President of RZIM to focus on his worldwide speaking commitments and writing projects. He passed the leadership to his daughter Sarah Davis as Global CEO and long-time colleague Michael Ramsden as President. Davis had served as the ministry’s Global Executive Director since 2011, while Ramsden had established the European wing of the ministry in Oxford in 1997. It was there in 2018, Zacharias told the story of standing with his successor in front of Lazarus’s grave in Cyprus. The stone simply reads, “Lazarus, four days dead, friend of Christ.” Zacharias turned to Ramsden and said if he was remembered as “a friend of Christ, that would be all I want.”
Ravi Zacharias, who died of cancer on May 19, 2020, at age 74, is survived by Margie, his wife of 48-years; his three children:—Sarah, the Global CEO of RZIM, Naomi, Director of Wellspring International, and Nathan, RZIM’s Creative Director for Media; and five grandchildren.
By Matthew Fearon
RZIM U.K. content manager and former journalist with The Sunday Times of London
About RZIM
Founded in 1984 by Ravi Zacharias, Ravi Zacharias International Ministries (RZIM) brings the gospel of Jesus Christ to millions around the world. RZIM focuses on evangelism, apologetics, spiritual disciplines, training and humanitarian support. The organization’s goal is to touch both the heart and the intellect of the thinkers and influencers in society by tackling some of the toughest questions about faith and providing thoughtful answers. For more information visit RZIM.org.
Margie and the Zacharias family have asked that in lieu of flowers gifts be made to the ongoing work of RZIM. Ravi’s heart was people. His passion and life’s work centered on helping people understand the beauty of the gospel message of salvation. Our prayer is that, at his passing, more people will come to know the saving grace found in Jesus through Ravi’s legacy and the global team at Ravi Zacharias International Ministries.
- https://danieloption.ch/featured/ravi-zacharias-eine-wuerdigung/
- https://theoblog.de/ravi-zacharias-1946-2020/35100/
- https://www.thegospelcoalition.org/article/ravi-zacharias-legacy/
- https://evangelicalfocus.com/culture/5831/christian-apologist-ravi-zacharias-dies-at-74
- https://ses.edu/ses-mourns-the-loss-of-friend-and-leader-ravi-zacharias/
Dieser Blog-Beitrag von Uwe Brinkmann erschien zuerst auf brink4u . Lies hier den Original-Artikel "Ravi Zacharias (1946-2020)".
Hallo, ich habe die beeindruckende Biografie von Ravi Zacharias intensiv studiert.
Auch hier die Frage:
Der Text ist dicht, lang und in englischer Sprache.
Vermutlich geht daher die Summe der Leserschaft dieses Artikels auch hier eher gegen nahe Null. – Du hast den Text studiert.
Wie würdest du deine Erkenntnisse formulieren? Also in einer verständlichen Zusammenfassung, die dich und deine Beweggründe zur Veröffentlichung geführt haben?
Das spricht für sich. Deshalb jetzt kein weiterer Kommentar dazu.
Danke für den Hinwies – ich hab es sofort in den Artikel eingepflegt. Das ist in der tat sehr eindeutig und noch viel trauriger …
hmmm…aber diese Vorwürfe gegen Ravi waren ja deutlich älter als 2020…im Web finden sich regelmäßige Vorwürfe…nicht dass ich neugierig darauf wäre und nicht dass nicht jeder fallen kann…aber er hat diese Vorwürfe ja ständig abgestritten…dass das alles nach dem Tod rauskommt..hmm..
Nein, das sind „aktuelle“ Vorwürfe, die nach seinem Tod (im Mai) aufkamen und in CT 2020 auch Ende Sept. 2020 veröffentlicht wurden.
vgl. die faire aber bedauerliche Nachricht in https://www.christianitytoday.com/ct/2020/september-web-only/editors-note-ravi-zacharias-investigation.html
Und v.a. dies ist ein statement von RZMI selbst und nicht CT … – es ist also wirklich dramatisch!
manchmal frage ich mich, ob du mich bewusst missverstehst… siehe auch unten. Welcher wesentliche Unterschied liegt denn zwischen den Vorwürfen von 2017 und 2020? Hat man als große Gesellschaft die Augen zugemacht so lange die graue Eminenz lebte? Dieser Verdacht schleicht sich ein, da der Vorwürf (mit der dahinter liegenden SChweigeerklärung) von der selben Familie zu kommen scheint….
und zwar z.b. hier:
Christianity Today von 2017 …
Ja! es ging um die alten Vorwürfe, soweit ich das verstehe geht es um die selbe Familie. DENN die Familie von 2017 (2017!) hat ja genau diese Schweige-Erklärung unterschrieben! M.E. geht es hier um die gleichen Betroffenen. Worauf ich hinauswill, die Vorwürfe lagen eben nicht erst jetzt vor! Du hast selber 2017 geschrieben